Antithrombotic therapy is the use of thrombolytic drugs, antiplatelet drugs and anticoagulants.
February 15, 2022
Two kinds of material are inside healthy human body: one kind is clotting blood material, if 2 phosphate adenosine and clotting blood yellow element A2, fiber protein and calcium wait, can make platelet agglutinate becomes a piece, form thrombus, have hemostatic effect. Another kind is anticoagulant blood material, fibrinolysis enzyme and prostacyclic element, have anticoagulant blood and prevent the effect of thrombosis. At ordinary times, the coagulant and anticoagulant substances in human blood are in a state of dynamic balance, so it is not easy to form thrombus. When blood vessels have accidents, it has hemostatic effect and keeps human health.
Aged blood vessels, damaged blood vessel wall, prone to hypertension, arteriosclerosis, diabetes. After vascular endothelial cells are damaged, the production of thrombin kinase increases, promoting thrombin formation, thrombin A2 also increases, while the production of anticoagulant prostacyclin decreases, which is easy to induce thrombosis. If blood sugar increases, sugar and hemoglobin in red blood cells combine, so that the whole body tissue hypoxia, then platelet agglutination, viscosity increases, easy to promote thrombosis. How can we prevent thrombosis?